My old friend, Nick was a bouncer at a bar I worked at. That is how I met him.
He looks like red hair version of Steve Austin, the wrestler- well he has no hair on the head but the van dyke on his face is red. He has been a Marines reserve since he got out of it in 80's and ended up going Iraq at the age 47. He has been riding motorcycles for a while and he always had uncomfortable looking cruisers/ choppers. He bought a Harley few years back and he was happy about it. He works for some kinda aircraft manufacturer so he moves around bunch but he often stopped by and caught up with me whenever he had a chance and I get emails from him time to time.
The most recent one informing that he is done riding. I am quite sorry to hear that.
“Ran down from behind by a 4000# suv at 65 mph on I-35, said she didnt see me, nothing broken some liagment and tendon damage prob,lota a pain but alive and moving slowly…”
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