these are pictures of the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake from Japan. being a nation of islands on the Pacific Rim Japan has always suffered inordinatly from earthquakes and tsunamis. they are somewhat like our tornados in that you never really get used to them and they are almost always a tragedy causing much pain and suffering. this one was so far the most devastating because of the horrid fires which were brought on by the earthquake and high winds. somewhere between 100,000-140,000 people perished here. the USA gave lots of help to the Japanese people in 1923. i hope they will do so again this time. they had no nukes in 1923 so that at least was not in the equation. today with the nukes disabled and in possible meltdown it could become a much greater tragedy. i hope they are able to sucessfully shut them down. please follow mr. switchum's lead below his blog of today and send some $$$ to the Japanese they can use the help i'm sure. i just did.
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