mr. switchum's post of U-118 was quite interesting so i looked up a little more. the submarine had been surrendered to the allies at the end of WW1. she was under tow enroute to Scapa Flow to be interned with the other German warships when she broke her tow and washed ashore at Hastings on April 15, 1919. U-118 was a UE2 class minelaying submarine. she sank two allied ships before the end of the war. after washing ashore U-118 became quite a local attraction for several months. the boat was put in charge of the Coast Guard who charged visitors 6 pence apiece for climbing on deck and looking around. more important people could get a guided tour below decks from one of the two Coast Guard Petty Officers in charge. both of these officers later died from inhalation of poisonous gases put off by the submarines batteries. the U-118 was broken up for scrap after about 6 months on the beach. first picture is of William Henry Moore and second is of William Heard. these were the Coast Guard personnel who later died from the gas. third is of the submarine washing ashore. fourth is of the boat lying on the beach and fifth is an aerial shot of same.
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