this Thursday we have the German pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Brandenburg. Brandenburg, the name ship of the first class of 4 pre-dreadnought battleships in the Imperial German Navy was commissioned 11/19/1893. she was 379' 7" in length and displaced 10,670t. with two 3cyl. triple expansion steam engines she made 10,000ihp for a top speed of 17kts. her main battery was composed of six 11" naval rifles. this being two more than other pre-dreadnought ships of the same era she was quite well armed for the time. the main armour belt was from 12"-16" in thickness and the main battery turrets had 9" of armour. the Brandenburg spent most of her career in home waters. in 1900 she and her 3 sisters were sent to China to re-enforce German military strength during the Boxer Rebellion. after returning to German waters Brandenburg was modernized in 1903. during the first two years of WW1 Brandenburg served on coastal duties and for the last years of the war served as a barracks ship. she was sold in 1919 and scrapped in 1920. the first picture is of SMS Brandenburg at sea. second we see some of the crew relaxing on the after deck. third is Brandenburg making speed through the ocean. fourth is a postcard picture of the ship and last is a stern shot showing the tumble home of the upper hull forward under the bridge and funnels.
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