this week for armored ship Thursday we have one of the men who commanded ironclads on the Mississippi during the Civil War. Commodore William David"Dirty Bill"Porter. born in 1808 he was the eldest son of Commodore David Porter a naval hero of the War of 1812. his younger brother was Admiral David Dixon"Black Dave"Porter and his step brother was Admiral David G. Farragut both famous Civil War Admirals of the USN. William D. Porter served as a light house inspector and official until court martialled in 1855. he was re-instated as a Commander in 1859 and in 1861 was assigned to the Western Gunboat Flotilla on the Mississippi. there he was put in command of the armored gun boat USS New Era. he promptly changed her name to USS Essex the same name as his father's ship in the War of 1812. at the Battle for Fort Henry one of the Essex's boilers was pierced by a 32lb. shot and exploded blowing Porter overboard. he was hauled back aboard with severe burns but still directed the operation of the Essex from the pilot house. he oversaw the repair of Essex from his sickbed and resumed active command after the repairs were finished and Essex was back on duty. he took part in the naval operations at the siege of Vicksburg where USS Essex was in action with the ironclad CSS Arkansas of the CSN. later Arkansas was sent south to help Confederate forces in Lousiana. Arkansas was followed by Essex who came across the Confederate ironclad after her starboard engine had failed and she had drifted ashore. not being able to either steam or bring a gun to bear CSS Arkansas was set afire and scuttled by her own crew. Porter claimed credit for the destruction of the Arkansas. some have disputed his claim but if he and the USS Essex had not been on hand the Arkansas instead of being destroyed would have been repaired and back in sevice against the Union. i think his claim is well deserved. after this the Essex and Porter took part in the fight at New Hudson. Porter was promoted to Commodore in July, 1862 and relinquished command of USS Essex in September, 1862. he spent the rest of his life on shore duty. this was only a short time as he died of heart problems in May, 1864. Union Secretary of the Navy "Uncle" Gideon Welles said of Porter that he was courageous, daring, troublesome and reckless. i have never been able to find out why he was called "Dirty Bill" probably because he was not very popular with some of the other naval officers and some politicians as well i suspect. the first picture is of Commodore Porter himself. note the watch chain dangling from his vest. it has a small key hanging from it indicating that he uses a key wound pocket watch. next is a picture of USS Essex. third is a picture of Essex firing on the burning and sinking CSS Arkansas. fourth is Essex tied up to the river bank with awnings deployed as protection against the sun. last is a drawing of Essex in the river with other Union warships in the distance. probably off Vicksburg.
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