tonight i have for your delectation some pictures of the famous Soviet Russian Dnepr Motorcycle. the top picture is an MT-9 model just like my old friend Andy used to have. it had a driven sidecar wheel thus making it two wheel drive. we used to charge through all kinds of mud and water and etc. never got stuck either. lots of fun. second picture is another view of same type of bike and finally we have a picture of millions{well maybe not quite millions}but several, commies on their dependable Dneprs. where are they going? what are they up to? something to the detriment of capitalism you can be sure. my old buddie Andy put an 850cc BMW engine in one of his Dneprs which made it much faster than stock. we outran a bunch of people on Harley-Davidson big twins one afternoon. they couldn't catch up no matter how hard they tried. they must have been pissed because after we ran out of gas and coasted to the side of the road, not a one of the sorry shitheads stopped and offered to help.

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