here are some pictures of the Confederate Ironclad CSS Tennesee. also some information about her and some of her officers. the pictures all have captions telling what each picture is so i'll just add a little info and then the next blog will explain somewhat the great battle of the Tennesee with the Union Fleet at the Battle of Mobile Bay, Alabama in 1864. the Tennesee was built in Selma, Alabama from 1862-1864. she was then taken to Mobile Bay to defend it against the Federal Navy. Franklin Buchanan{Old Buck} was by this time an Admiral and was in overall charge of the Confederate Naval Forces. Commander Johnston was Captain of the Tennesee and Surgeon Conrad was her doctor. CSS Tennesee was the most powerful Confederate Ironclad. she was 209ft. in length displaced 1271tons with 20" of oak and pine backing for her 6" of iron armor. this armor was never penetrated during the battle. Tennesee was armed with two 7" Brooke muzzle loading rifles and four 6.4" Brooke mlr's. unfortuneatly the only engines obtainable for her were underpowered and could only maintain a speed of 5kts. nevertheless she was a formidable opponent for the Union ships to face. it took them around 4 hr. to defeat the Tennesee. her smokestack was shot away her exposed rudder chains were shot away and some of her cannon damaged. after this she had no draft for her furnaces and no way to steer to bring her surviving armament into play and thus was forced to surrender. after this she was taken into the Federal Fleet and became the USS Tennesee. she then served the rest of the war off New Orleans, Louisiana.
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