totally forgot this on Thursday due to Thnxgvng party. these are pictures of the Battle of Mobile Bay in 1864. the Confederate Ironclad CSS Tennesee under Admiral Franklin Buchanan and Commander James D. Johnston almost single handedly fought the entire Federal Fleet under Admiral David G. Farragut. of course being totally surrounded and outgunned the Tennesee eventually lost the battle. however, it took the Union forces 4 hr. to subdue the Tennesee which was the Confederate Navy's most powerful Ironclad. the first picture shows the opening of the battle with the USN Monitor USS Tecumseh sinking after hitting a torpedo. she went down very fast taking part of the crew and Captain Craven down with her. the gallant Captain Craven had stepped aside in order that one of the crew could precede him up the ladder to safety. this left no time for the Captain to escape and he went down with his ship. to the left we see the CSS Tennesee approaching the Union Fleet along with some lighter forces behind her. next is the Tennesee alongside the Union ship USS Oneida trading broadsides. the Union Monitor USS Chickasaw is off the portside of Tennesee firing on her. third we see a picture of Admiral David G. Farragut in the rigging of his flagship USS Hartford broadside to broadside with the Tennesee. the fourth picture is of the end of the battle with Tennesee, with her smokestack and rudder chains shot away and the Chickasaw hovering about ready to fire again if necessary. after this with no draft for the furnaces and no way to steer she had no option but to surrender. a great loss to the Confederacy this led to the surrender of Mobile, Alabama after which the Confederates had no major ports open for delivery of supplies from overseas. this of course hastened the surrender of the Confederate States and the end of the War Between the States.
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