this time we have HMS Devastation sister of HMS Thunderer and first ship of the two ship class. these ships were designed by Sir Edward J. Reed for the Admiralty. they were 285ft. long and displaced 6,330t. at standard load. Devastation was powered by two Penn Horizontal Trunk engines developing 6,650IHP with a top speed of 13.84kts. armour belt was from 12"-81/2" on the hull, the ship was armed with four 12" 35t. muzzle loading naval rifles. HMS Devastation was commisioned into the Royal Navy in April of 1873 and scrapped in 1908. HMS Devastation was the first armoured battleship to be built with engine power only{no masts, sails or yards}. she could be considered the first modern battleship because of this and the fact that her main armament was in two turrets fore and aft of the superstructure. Devastation and Thunderer were the two most powerful ships in the world for several years due to their powerful armament, heavy armour and good speed. HMS Devastation served all her life in British Northern Seas and the Mediterranean. she was never tried in battle but served a mostly trouble free highly successful life in the Royal Navy for 35yr. the first picture shows the ship from the bow as she is being constructed. note the ram. next two pictures are of some of the ships marines and also the naval crew. then a shot of the interior of one of the turrets showing the two 12" MLR's. finally a shot of the ship herself. the blog says i published this on wednesday. it is wrong. my computer and all my clocks and watches assured me that this was posted on Thursday at 12:08am.
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