how often do we think of bricks? not often i bet. they are just too common. they are everywhere we look so they escape our notice just because of that commonness. think of it bricks are a truly ancient technology which has been around for literally thousands of years. used to be all the paved streets were brick{called pavers of course}and sidewalks too. many of these have names on them. the manufacturers name sometimes, sometimes where they were made and sometimes giving you a message i.e. don't spit on the sidewalk. i've collected bricks for quite awhile now. to collect bricks a truck is handy, bricks en-masse weigh a lot. you've also got to have a place to put them as they take up a lot of room. nevertheless it is a fascinating hobby and i recommend it to everyone. where would we be without them? i imagine at least half of Wichita would disappear if we all of a sudden took away the bricks. next time you see an old brick look at it before you ignore it, it could well tell you something. in these pictures you will see some from Kansas and Oklahoma as well as other places too.
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