here are some pictures of the early Flexible side cars. designed by Hugo H. Young in 1912. a friend convinced Hugo into going into production so he and Carl F. Dudte formed the Flexible Sidecar Co. in Loudonville, OH in 1913. in 1914 they incorporated as the Flexible Sidecar Co. in 1919 the name was changed to the Flxible Co. there was a flexible{hence the name} connection between the motorcycle and sidecar thus allowing both to lean unlike the standard sidecar attachment which held both sidecar and motorcycle in rigid attachment. the Flexible-Flxible was popular in early sidecar racing. in the 20's the sidecar market almost disappeared due to Henry Ford's Model T now being sold for $360 which was less than a motorcycle sidecar outfit cost. in 1924 Flxible went into bus production and in 1925 hearses and ambulances as well. from 1970 Flxible was bought by Rohr Industries, then Grumman and finally General Automotive Co. before going out of business altogether in 1995.

first picture is a Flxible sidecar, must be after 1919 since that is when it became Flxible. next picture may be a Flxible but i think not, just put it here as it was such an interesting picture with the sign the motorcycle-sidecar and trailer unit. camping in the good old days. next is a Flxible going around a curve on a dirt road at a good rate of speed. and finally a flexible sidecar of some kind mounted to an Indian Scout getting ready for the dirt track races. looks like another in the background left side of the picture. kirk should like this picture. perhaps they should bring back sidecar racing on the dirt. if so i imagine Flexible/Flxible sidecars would again become popular.
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